Ramblings of a Redhead

Motherhood, Ministry, Marriage, and Messes along the way

8 months!

on May 2, 2012

Okay, more like 8 1/2 months. I intended to do this sooner, but oh well!

Sweet T, you are so BIG, and grown-up I can hardly stand it! I love watching you learn and grow!

8 Month Profile

  • Your favorite food is banana yogurt, but you pretty much like everything else too!
  • You have two teeth on the bottom, and one coming in on the top. The one coming in is on the side, so you’re going to be looking adorable snaggle-toothed soon!
  • You’re scooting, and crawling and pulling up! You think you’re big stuff now, and LOVE to be in the middle of everything.
  • You love that daddy of yours. You even fuss for him in the evening now!
  • I’m pretty much scared to death of you getting a concussion. You bump your poor little noggin’ all the time! I try to prevent as much injury as possible, but you’re on the move CONSTANTLY!
  • You’re sleeping at night really well. You go to bed about 9pm, and wake up at 7am. When you wake up, you are full of energy and ready to tackle the day!
  • You love balls, and cups, and going on walks.
  • You’re a great shopping buddy, you love people watching and seeing everything in the mall or the grocery store.
  • You said your first word, and it was ‘Mama’

Sweet T, you’re pretty much the sweetest, smartest, most special little boy in the whole world! Mama loves you more than anything! Your Daddy and I are so blessed to have you in our lives.


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